Dr Sinan Hamadeh

Dr Sinan Hamadeh

Dr Sinan Hamadeh


Keys to success in Lingual Orthodontics in the daily practice

The increasing number of adults seeking orthodontic care and the demand for an invisible and aesthetic orthodontic solution makes it inevitable for every orthodontist to master the use of lingual orthodontic techniques in his practice. Several techniques and appliances are available, each with its advantages and drawbacks. This presentation will highlight the key factors enhancing the efficiency of lingual Orthodontics in terms of setup preparation, bracket placement and mechanical considerations.


Sinan is active member of The Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists in Southern California. He received his specialist Degree in Orthodontics in Germany in 2008. Since then, he is in full time practice of Orthodontics in Germany. 

In addition, he completed the Mclaughlin two-year postgraduate program in San Diego and the Face/Roth-Williams postgraduate Program in Spain and Italy. 

Sinan is currently on the master’s program of lingual Orthodontics at the University of Basel (Master of Advanced Studies in Lingual Orthodontics “MASLO”) and lectures worldwide on treatment mechanics, skeletal anchorage and Lingual Orthodontics.