You can do THAT with lingual braces?
Dr. Wong will share many of his interesting cases showing the efficiency and flexibility of using lingual braces in all malocclusions and in varying degrees of complexity of cases. He will give short illustrations of the appliances used and period of time for completion of treatment. The emphasis will be on what can be done, rather than how to achieve the results.
Dr Wong received his BDS adn MSc in Orthodontics from the University of Manchester England. He was a clinical tutor for the orthodontic postgraduates and undergraduate dental students in the Orthodontic Faculty at the University of Western Australia. He has taught seminars in lingual orthodontics at the University of Queensland and the University of Western Australia, presents at the Australasian Society of Lingual Orthodontics Conferences and suresmile conferences and courses for lingual orthodontics. He has used lingual orthodontics since 1987 and began incorporating suresmile robotic technology in his practices in 2013. In 2015, Dr. Wong’s practice received the “Outstanding suresmile Lingual Practice” award from Orametrix.